roadworthy certificates

Book Your Roadworthy Certificates with Lilydale Brake & Clutch Today

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Why Choose Us for Your Roadworthy Certificates?

Passenger Cars

Navigating the roads of Victoria requires not just skill but also a vehicle in peak condition. Whether you’re in the market to buy or sell a car or looking to ensure that your current ride is up to standard, Lilydale Brake & Clutch is here to help.

As licensed roadworthy testers, we’re committed to maintaining the highest vehicle safety standards. Our comprehensive yet efficient testing procedures guarantee that your vehicle is fit for the road, complying with all Victorian legal safety norms.

What Does the Roadworthy Certificate Include?

Wheels and Tyres: Ensuring even wear and adequate tread levels.
Steering and Braking Systems: To guarantee control and responsiveness.
Suspension: For a stable, smooth ride.
Seats and Seatbelts: Ensuring all seat belts are functional and not frayed or damaged.
Lights and Reflectors: Making sure you’re visible to others and can see the road ahead.
Windscreen and Wipers: For unobstructed vision.
Vehicle Structure: Checking for damage or modifications that could make the vehicle unsafe.

Licensed Vehicle Tester

Top Reasons to Choose Lilydale Brake & Clutch for Roadworthy Certificates